
Lots of Lemony Goodness

My favorite flavor of all time is lemon! From a slice of lemon in my tea to fresh lemon meringue pie...I just heart everything tart & sweet!

Here is a look at my lemon cupcake line:

Lemon BlueberryTart lemon cake filled with fresh blueberry preserves and topped with smooth vanilla buttercream.

Lemon Coconut
Tart lemon cake topped with toasted coconut cream cheese frosting.

Lemon Raspberry
Tart lemon cake {a cheesecake filling can be added upon request} topped with sweet raspberry buttercream.

Other lemon flavors include Lemon Cream Pie and Lemon Tea Cake.

My mouth is watering just thinking about these...wow!

What is your favorite cupcake flavor?

Jade Cahoon
Sweet Street Designer Cakes and Cupcakes
Photos courtesy of Gene Ho - thanks again Gene for the great shots of my cupcakes!