
Happy Father's Day!

Here are a few of the neatest Father's Day cakes I've seen floating around the internet:

Couch PotatoThis adorable cake is by articlay.com.

Super DadWhat a cool cake- straight from Australia! Courtesy of sugarsirencakesmackay.blogspot.com.

A Tie For DadThis cake (by Esperanza) plus many more was posted by a fellow blogger @ tiepedia.com. His site is dedicated to NECK TIES! How awesome, right!?! Thanks for the heads up, Matt!

Well, my husband did not get a cake this year...I had a wedding that kept me busy, busy all weekend long, but he did get something made from the heart:

His own personal message board picture frame. I combined burlap, ribbon, rocks (personal joke between us) and nails to create this fun and inexpensive gift!


Jade Cahoon
Sweet Street Designer Cakes and Cupcakes