My sweet baby
{I mean, BIG boy}
turned 4 over the weekend!
And, boy did we celebrate!
Friends, family...and a yummy cake -
it just doesn't get much better than that! :)
My son has a thing for
Paper Airplanes!
He loves them...
and every Sunday,
before church service,
my husband has to make him one!
So, I couldn't think
of a more fitting
big boy birthday theme!
It honestly doesn't get
more budget friendly than
paper plane decor, either:
The Wreath
{painted initial with hot glued paper plane}
Happy Birthday Banner
{hand drawn letters and "zipping" planes on card stock}
Paper Airplane Banner
{hanging off the favor table, simply taped paper planes to twine - also had them hanging on the mantel and several other spots throughout the house}
Craft Table
{Paper plane centerpieces made with floral wire, a few cans, styrofoam and some fabric. I balled up coffee filters to cover foam - thought it looked like clouds. I also had a paper "table cloth" where I drew "zipping" planes and scattered mini paper planes like confetti.}
4 Year Photos + Mini Zipping Plane=
Cute Decor, for sure!
Add in some coordinating
streamers and balloons...
and we were set!
Then there was the
Our "In-Flight" Dinner
{Included Baked Potato Soup, Cauliflower Clouds & Broccoli Tree Tops, Mile High Sammies, Mixed Nuts and a Pretzel Control Tower}
Dessert, of course!
{Cloud 9 Parfaits, Oreo Pops, Fruit Skewers and Marshmallow Treat Wings}
And, The Cake!
{Lemon Confetti Cake filled with Fresh Blueberry Preserves and topped with Marshmallow Buttercream. I finished it off with Buttercream "Zippy's," White Paper Planes and Lime Ribbon.}
Craft Time:
{making and decorating paper planes}
Then, each kiddo got to "Test Fly"
their plane through the hula hoop!
Baggage Claim Favor Table
{Included "candy clouds" - white cotton candy, paper plane making tools, stickers and aviator sunglasses. I put them in a simple white paper bag and drew the "zipping" plane on with a sharpie.}
The only thing I forgot to photograph were the invitations, but I simply printed the wording on the back of colorful scrapbook paper and folded it into a plane before placing in the envelope! Turned out adorable!
My sweet baby Mason James had an absolute ball!
And, that just makes my heart smile!
A perfect day it was, indeed!