2 or 3 Layer
This recipe was my great-grandmother's recipe and has been in my family for five generations. It's a dense, but super moist sour cream pound cake that has accents of vanilla and lemon. This is available in a traditional bunt style with an icing drizzle or done in layers. Tart Lemon Zest, Toasty Almond and Milk Chocolate are the available variations. The original recipe is what I use most for wedding cakes.
Classic Vanilla Bean
A super light cake made with high grade pure vanilla extract.
Rich Butter
A decadent cake where 100% all real, unsalted butter is used to create the perfect compliment to chocolate frosting.
Chocolate Fudge
A moist cake made of only the highest grade dark and milk chocolate.
Chocolate Orange Zest
Chocolate fudge cake baked with real orange juice and zest.
Red Velvet
This red cocoa cake is one of my most popular flavors!
Italian Cream
A moist coconut and pecan cake, usually iced with cream cheese frosting.

Made with fresh bananas and toasted walnuts.
Another of my great-grandmother's recipes! It's a true old fashion cake made with fresh coconut.
This cake is full with fresh carrot and pineapple.
Apple Spice
A spicy cake baked with fresh green apple chunks.
Made with real lemon juice and zest.
Vanilla Buttercream * Chocolate * Almond * Marshmallow * Chocolate Hazelnut * Cream Cheese * Ganache * Marshmallow Fondant
Raspberry * Strawberry * Pineapple Apricot * Lemon Curd * Chocolate Hazelnut * Coffee or Mocha* Caramel * Ganache (White, Milk or Dark Chocolate) * Cream Cheese (Vanilla, Chocolate, Lemon, Cookies&Cream, Toasted Coconut, Pineapple, Strawberry or Blueberry)
Most of these can be made into sheet cakes or stacked, as well. All flavors can be interchanged and decoration options are abundant!

Jade Cahoon
Sweet Street Designer Cakes and Cupcakes
Place orders at sweetstreetsc@aol.com