A few weeks ago my husband, some friends of ours and I headed south to Miami, FL! Before we boarded our cruise ship and sailed to the Bahamas, they all agreed to make a special stop just for me!

I'm sure by now everyone in the cupcake world has watched at least one episode of "Cupcake Wars" on the Food Network. Well, one night while I was cheering on my favorite cupcake team, I noticed one was from Miami! That moment I "facebooked" my friend telling her we HAD to fit them in on our trip!!

This little store front at the end of a simple shopping center is home to Cupcakes Nouveau- a Miami favorite that recently reached celebrity status after their T.V. appearance. We arrived as the doors were being unlocked by staff and immediately caught the familiar whiff of sweet buttercream and baking cake.
I ordered the Key Lime Pie:A dense vanilla cake filled with tart lime curd that was topped with sweet cream cheese frosting and a graham cracker.{By far, the best out of the 3! The cake tasted fresh, the curd was of tart perfection and the frosting was sweet and creamy! I could eat another of those right now, actually! Hehe!}
My husband ordered their version of Red Velvet:Cocoa cake topped with sweet cream cheese frosting and a chocolate flower.{By far, the worst of the 3! The cake was D.R.Y. I'm not sure if it was just over-baked...or maybe we just got a day old, but it was not the red velvet cake I'm use to. I like moist cake with hints of buttermilk and a little cocoa...this cake was not that, nor was it red as you can see in the photo above.}
Our friends ordered the Chocolate Chic:Dark chocolate cake filled with almond cream and topped with vanilla buttercream, caramel and chocolate drizzles and a chocolate straw.{This cake was right in the middle- not fabulous, but certainly not bad either! The almond was a nice touch with the chocolate and vanilla, but I still wasn't impressed with the dense cake. I guess we just all have our favorite recipes!}

Everyone was nice enough to let me taste theirs (don't I have the best friends and family!?!) Thank you guys for making that extra stop!
I had a blast hanging out and trying cupcakes at Cupcakes Nouveau! The staff were as sweet as their treats (we even got the chance to watch them as they worked) and the Key Lime Pie was the perfect pick me up before heading out to sea!
Jade Cahoon
Sweet Street Designer Cakes and Cupcakes