Good Morning!
I woke up today with a mission...bake, taste and review Cupcake Project's recently posted recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes!
These are Brown Butter Cakes with a Cookie Dough filling and topped with Cookie Dough Frosting!
How fabulous, right!?!
So, do YOU want the recipe? Just click HERE.

My notes: These are Brown Butter Cakes with a Cookie Dough filling and topped with Cookie Dough Frosting!
How fabulous, right!?!
So, do YOU want the recipe? Just click HERE.
- I went with All Purpose Flour because one- I didn't need an entire dozen and two- that's what I had on hand...just beware, when you use All Purpose Flour, you'll end up with enough batter for only 6 cupcakes. If you want a full dozen, either double the recipe and use All Purpose or go out and buy some Self Rising.
- WATCH your butter!!! :) It brown's up quick!!
- I didn't measure out my chocolate chips for the cake batter- just poured until it looked like enough- but, for the measure'ers out there: it was probably about 3/4 cup.
- I didn't add the chocolate chips to my cookie dough right away either...I set a little dough off to the side in a clean bowl (for the frosting) before adding the chips.
- The cookie dough recipe I used was EGGLESS, so no worries on the sanitation end of things there! Want that recipe? Click HERE.
- I added about 2 heaping spoonfuls of my Vanilla Buttercream to the Cookie Dough Frosting...I wanted a "frosting" rather than an "icing." It turned out super smooth and tasty!
Are you curious yet about my thoughts?
I think these cupcakes could possibly be THE BEST, YUMMIEST, MOST DELICIOUS thing I have ever (in my very short 25 years) placed upon my taste buds! I mean, WOW!!
The cake is moist and sweet from the melted chocolate chips...the cookie dough reminds me of when I was a kid and would pick out all the little brown speckled balls from my ice cream...and the frosting tastes like smooth, rich cookies!!

The cake is moist and sweet from the melted chocolate chips...the cookie dough reminds me of when I was a kid and would pick out all the little brown speckled balls from my ice cream...and the frosting tastes like smooth, rich cookies!!
Does it get any better than that? I think not!
Enjoy and Happy Baking!
Jade Cahoon Sweet Street Designer Cakes and Cupcakes
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